Doxie Flip has been discontinued since 2020 and is now obsolete. Limited support is available on this help site. Click here for more information. Have another model? Click here for current Doxie product support.

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Need a hand with your Doxie Flip? We're here to help!
First, do any of our Top Frequently Answered Questions apply?

  1. My Doxie Flip is unresponsive after scanning.
  2. How do I stitch scans together?
  3. How do I automatically crop scans?
  4. How do I fix a Calibration Error on startup?
  5. How can I maximize battery life? Can I use rechargeables?
  6. Can I connect a power adapter?
  7. Can I recover a scan I deleted from Doxie’s software?
  8. How do you remove Doxie Flip's lid?
  9. Which SD cards work with Doxie Flip?
  10. I'm getting an "OCR Initialization Error 126" when I launch Doxie's software.
  11. Doxie Flip sunset product status

If your question isn't listed above, pick a category below for more frequently answered questions. If you still can't find your answer on the next page, you'll find a direct link to contact Doxie Customer Care for expert personal assistance.