Doxie One has been discontinued since 2017 and is now obsolete. Limited support is available on this help site. Click here for more information. Have another model? Click here for current Doxie product support.

What kind of batteries can I use with Doxie One?

Doxie One works with Ni-MH AAA batteries.

If you use batteries to power Doxie One, you must use Ni-MH rechargeable batteries. If you use alkaline batteries, Doxie One is bound to lock up and fail to feed properly.

There’s more information on this in the included Quick Start Guide and on a sticker placed inside the battery door.

So, don't use alkaline batteries – use rechargeable batteries instead.

Also note, over time, Ni-MH batteries lose the ability to hold as much of a charge - this is particularly problematic with cheap Ni-MH batteries, so older NiMH batteries may no longer have enough power to work properly. If your Ni-MH batteries are getting old, pick up some new Ni-MH batteries and you should be good to go.

We use and recommend eneloop brand batteries. They're terrific!