Doxie Go Original Series has been discontinued since 2017 and is now obsolete. Limited support is available on this help site. Click here for more information. Have a Doxie Go SE or another newer Doxie model? Click here for current Doxie product support.

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Need a hand with your Doxie Go? We're here to help!
First, do any of our Top Frequently Answered Questions apply?

  1. Doxie Go sunset product status
  2. Which Doxie model do I have?
  3. Why isn’t the Doxie app recognizing the scanner when it’s connected via USB?
  4. I'm having trouble feeding sheets.
  5. How do I zoom into scans?
  6. How do I fix a “The disk was not ejected properly” error?
  7. Doxie isn't charging properly via wall power.
  8. How do I get my scans to feed straight?
  9. What do the status lights mean on my Doxie Go?
  10. How do I get rid of lines on my scans? (cleaning Doxie)
  11. How do I staple scans into multi-page PDFs?
  12. How do I join Doxie Go Wi-Fi to my home or office network?
  13. I lost my cleaning tool, calibration sheet, or photo sleeve.
  14. I'm getting an "OCR Initialization Error 126" when I launch Doxie's software.

If your question isn't listed above, pick a category below for more frequently answered questions. If you still can't find your answer on the next page, you'll find a direct link to contact Doxie Customer Care for expert personal assistance.