Doxie Go Original Series has been discontinued since 2017 and is now obsolete. Limited support is available on this help site. Click here for more information. Have a Doxie Go SE or another newer Doxie model? Click here for current Doxie product support.


To scan a document or photo:

  1. Turn on Doxie
    Press and hold the power button for a moment. When the light stops blinking, Doxie is ready to scan.
  2. Insert Sheet
    Insert paper to the left, face up, and level. Hold the sheet in until Doxie starts feeding automatically. Here's a video with some scanning tips.

To scan the back of a page, just flip it over and insert it again. Scan in any order – you'll organize later when you download your scans.

Doxie works independently of your computer, tablet, or phone. When you scan, your documents are stored in memory. Later, you can connect to a device and sync scans into a Doxie app.

Doxie is a standalone device that stores scans in its built-in memory.
Only use Doxie while disconnected from your computer’s USB port.

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