Common Questions

Need a hand with your Doxie Pro? We're here to help!
First, do any of our Top Frequently Answered Questions apply?

  1. My Doxie isn’t turning on.
  2. My Doxie Pro isn't responding.
  3. Doxie Pro is plugged in and powered on, but the software doesn't recognize it.
  4. How do I turn off double-sided scanning?
  5. Why are my scans blank?
  6. Why are my scans all grouped together and how do I separate them?
  7. The direct feed slot door feels stuck.
  8. Lines or smears appear on my scans.
  9. I’m having trouble feeding pages into Doxie Pro.
  10. Why does Doxie Pro keep turning off?
  11. How does Doxie's warranty work?
  12. Is Doxie Pro TWAIN/WIA compatible?
  13. I'm having trouble installing Doxie's software on my Mac.

If your question isn't listed above, pick a category below for more frequently answered questions. If you still can't find your answer on the next page, you'll find a direct link to contact Doxie Customer Care for expert personal assistance.