Can I use my third-party USB charger with Doxie?

Absolutely! Any USB/AC power adapter will work fine with Doxie Q. USB provides enough power to charge and scan simultaneously.

Keep in mind, Wi-Fi draws a lot of power, so if Doxie’s battery is really low and you connect via USB and have Wi-Fi turned on, Doxie might turn back off. You don't have to fully charge the battery before you can transfer via Wi-Fi. If you leave Doxie off for 20 minutes or so to charge, the scanner will have enough power to let transfer your scans. Then you can let the scanner fully charge later.

You only need to turn on Wi-Fi when you’re ready to transfer your scans. Doxie Q is designed to be used as a portable scanner - meaning that you scan while not connected, then connect when you’re finished to download your scans. So, don’t scan with Wi-Fi on (it consumes a lot of battery power) - only turn on Wi-Fi when you’re ready to transfer.