Doxie Go Original Series has been discontinued since 2017 and is now obsolete. Limited support is available on this help site. Click here for more information. Have a Doxie Go SE or another newer Doxie model? Click here for current Doxie product support.

How do I fix overcropped/trimmed scans?

Doxie's software automatically tries to crop and deskew (straighten) scans to eliminate blank areas -- cards, pages, or photos with large dark areas may not always be interpreted correctly.

The software isn’t actually cropping or trimming the original scan, it’s simply masking based on what it “thinks” is appropriate based on how dark/light a page is. If your scans have areas of black or a very dark color, the automatic trimming may be inaccurate.

You can easily undo or adjust the cropping within Doxie’s software. Double click on the image in Doxie’s software to adjust.

If black photos and dark originals still appear cropped...

In addition to software cropping, Doxie Go – the scanner itself – does have a conservative auto-crop function that trims black edges off your originals automatically. This is to ensure that the output is roughly the size you intended, versus the full width of the scanning area.

If you're scanning very dark, black photos, this may confuse the hardware auto-crop feature which may crop part of your original. If you're scanning very dark originals, use the included photo sleeve.