I'm having trouble installing Doxie's software on my Mac.

Click this link to start the software download. Once the Disk Image file (Doxie-3.1.dmg) has finished downloading it, open it.

You should see the pop-up window below. Be sure to drag and drop the heart icon into the Applications folder immediately to its right.

A light blue window with a white heart icon on the left and a blue folder icon on the right. The folder is labeled Applications in black text. A pink arrow is pointing from the heart icon to the Applications folder. An additional text box instructs the user to drag and drop the heart icon into the Applications folder in the light blue window, not to the applications icon in the bottom tool bar.

Or you might be seeing a window that looks like this -- we can tell we're in the Disk Image and not in Application because of the left-hand menu. If this is what you see, don't try to launch the Doxie software from here -- just drag and drop it into the "Applications" folder right above it.

Once you've successfully dragged and dropped Doxie into the Applications folder, you should immediately receive this pop-up stating that Doxie is being copied to Applications:

A light gray box with black text that says Copying Doxie to Applications. There is a pink loading bar underneath the text monitoring the progress.

Next,launch Doxie from your Applications.

Once Doxie is in your Applications, click the Eject icon to eject and erase the Disk Image.